SATIVE Brandtrading is dedicated to trading. We bring brands, marketplaces and customers together.
Known from
A good product is just the beginning. You also need to be present in the marketplaces where your customers go. With our many years of experience in various industries, we identify target groups and place you in the appropriate markets.
Your product is available for purchase, but no one knows about it? Only with the right communication strategy and the right advertising media can you address your customers precisely. This is how you turn potential prospects into satisfied customers.
With our many years of experience in start-ups, agencies and corporations, we can consult you optimally on how to gain a foothold in the market with your product ideas and achieve long-term success. A current focus is on the CBD trend, which brings its own unique challenges.
About us
The people behind SATIVE Brandtrading combine expertise from different areas for holistic success. May we introduce ourselves?